Pro Armor Lockable Storage Box

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Now introducing the pro armor under seat lockable storage! never feel stressed about leaving your lunch, drinks, jackets, tools, and other necessities behind at camp again! made from durable, lightweight aluminum, the lockable storage box will hold up on your most rugged rides, while keeping your valued belongings enclosed. under seat lockable storage has a rubber seal and locking lid to keep all of your items out of the elements and secure. 0.10" aluminum for lightweight, durable storage. rubber sealed to keep items dry and out of the elements. locking lid for security and peace of mind. fits under the seat with some spare room on either side of the storage box. bolted down for easy install and no box movement. semi-gloss black finish. dimensions: 27-11/16" x 13-1/8" x 11-1/2" (outside) / 27-1/2" x 13" x 10" (inside).
Now introducing the pro armor under seat lockable storage! never feel stressed about leaving your lunch, drinks, jackets, tools, and other necessities behind at camp again! made from durable, lightweight aluminum, the lockable storage box will hold up on your most rugged rides, while keeping your valued belongings enclosed. under seat lockable storage has a rubber seal and locking lid to keep all of your items out of the elements and secure. 0.10" aluminum for lightweight, durable storage. rubber sealed to keep items dry and out of the elements. locking lid for security and peace of mind. fits under the seat with some spare room on either side of the storage box. bolted down for easy install and no box movement. semi-gloss black finish. dimensions: 27-11/16" x 13-1/8" x 11-1/2" (outside) / 27-1/2" x 13" x 10" (inside).
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Vehicle Type Dirt Bike
Supplier WPS
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Product Variant Pro Armor Part #
Black K154065BL

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